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Take medicine correctly to reduce risk and increase results.

Take medicine correctly to reduce risk and increase results. Taking medicine is a basic method of treatment, alleviating symptoms, and preventing disease. Although it is something everyone is familiar with, there are still many people who do not take medicine in the right way.  Therefore, understanding

Arrhythmia: Know it and prevent it.

Arrhythmia: Know it and prevent it. Arrhythmia: Many people may think that it is something that only happens to the elderly or people with health problems. But in fact, this disease can happen to people of all ages, whether children, teenagers or adults.  The causes of

IPD is a highly dangerous infectious disease caused

IPD is a highly dangerous infectious disease cause by the pneumococcal bacteria. The pneumococcus bacteria often found living in the nasal cavities or throats of people in general, both children and adults. Most people do not have any symptoms (are carriers) but can spread to

Elderly people use medicine safely

Elderly people use medicine safely. The elderly are at a stage where health problems arise from the deterioration of the body, which inevitably leads to chronic diseases, weakened immunity, illnesses, infections, and accidents more easily than younger people. Some people therefore need to take multiple

How to choose a comfortable work chair

How to choose a comfortable work chair. Because working hours each day are as long as 8 hours or more, choosing a chair is very important. Including finding various accessories to help make sitting at work in a proper posture will help to keep you

Know your men’s health before it’s too late

Know your men’s health before it’s too late. Having to deal with various pollution problems that surround the body inevitably causes those things to penetrate and accumulate in the body, which are all important risk factors that cause dangerous diseases. We should be aware of